Monday, September 28, 2009

Readings for Advanced Placement

Special Assignment
#1 Identify five components of the Healthcare Plan outlined by President Obama
(use see the concise edition
Read two articles from different news sources, you can find some on this blog
Make a list of pros and cons of the proposed public policy and cite where this information
came from.
Offer your opinion on healthcare reform and back it up with factual information\

#2 Here are the two articles on public opinion polls, the questions were handed-out.
Google: Jacobs & Shapiro, Politicians Don't Pander, excerpt

# 3 Google: Philosophical Dimensions of Public Policy, Authors Gerigh and Galston
Here is a link :Philosophical Dimensions of Public ... - Google Books (it may not work)
Read the article: Mandated Service and Moral Learning

Complete the four step summary

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